
Event: Youth Violence and Delinquency

Presentation and panel discussion on Tuesday, 3 December 2024, 6-8pm

The phenomenon of youth violence has reached alarming proportions in recent years.

The emergence of violence in schools, but also the spread of the phenomenon into the digital realm through cyberbullying and online aggression, highlights the need to examine the factors contributing to its apparent escalation. The increased use of social networks and digital technologies is creating new forms of violence and aggression. At the same time, social and economic developments seem to have created an environment of insecurity and accumulated tensions, particularly affecting young people's expression. In addition, the educational system does not always seem to be able to deal effectively with youth violence. Finally, the weakening of the nuclear family as a fundamental building block of society is often cited as a factor contributing to the alienation of young people and the development of anti-social behaviour. But is this the case?

FES Athens, in collaboration with the Institute for Social Democracy InSocial, will present the results of a survey conducted by Prorata on "Attitudes and Perceptions on Child/Juvenile Violence and Delinquency" in order to open a debate on strategies to tackle this phenomenon at the personal, social and political levels.

  • Date & time: Tuesday, 3 December 2024, 6-8pm
  • EVDOMOS - multi event city loft, 4, Karageorgi Servias Str., Syntagma square [entrance from Stoa Kalliga]
  • Presentation of the survey: Aggelos Seriatos, scientific director of Prorata
  • Comments & discussion:
    • Angeliki Gazi,  Associate Professor of Psychology of Media at Panteion University, Department of Communication of Media and Culture, visiting professor at the Department of Psychology, University of Athens 
    • Christina Zarafonitou, Professor of Criminology, Department of Sociology, Panteion University. Director of the Master of Criminology and of Urban Criminology Laboratory at Panteion University 
    • Stelios Stylianidis, Emeritus Professor of Social Psychiatry, Panteion University, Founder & Honoray Chairman of the Association for Regional Development and Mental Health
    • Chair: Ilias Kikilias, Director of Research of the National Centre for Social Research (EKKE), General Manager of the Institute of Greek Tourism Confederation (INSETE)

Interventions by representatives of youth organisations will follow. 

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Simultaneous interpretation into English will be available.





Neof. Vamva Str. 4
10674 Athen

+30 210 72 44 670
+30 210 72 44 676

