
New publication: "The interplay between the green transition, geopolitics and energy security"

Read FES Athens’ new publication

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has given rise to new security and energy challenges for Europe. Europe’s energy mix is emerging from this crisis more diversified than ever, with new sources of imports, points of entry, delivery routes and types of energy. Energy transition in Southeastern Europe, in the direction of meeting the challenges of climate change, continues to move more slowly than in the rest of Europe. Energy policies in Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia are being shaped not only in terms of the commitments the three countries have made in international agreements and in accordance with EU laws on fighting climate change, but also, as this brief study shows, by geopolitical considerations, an overarching emphasis on »energy security« and even short-term electoral calculations. It is also clear that governments in the region do not treat climate change with the urgency it demands.

Click here to read our publication!


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