Friday, 19.10.2018 - Sunday, 21.10.2018

Apply now for the next Progressive Youth Academy!

The third PYA in 2018 will open its gates in October.

Data privacy notice for the video

You are a graduate student or a young professional? You are interested in progressive politics? You are politically active or an active member of civil society? You are eager to discuss your political ideas and visions with like-minded individuals?

If the answer is a "YES" to all of the above questions, you should definitely apply for the next Progressive Youth Academy (PYA). PYA will take place on the island of Spetses from October 19th to October 21st, 2018.

Curious? Then you should definitely check our call for applications for more information. You can download it here.

Still interested? Then submit the application form together with your CV and a letter of motivation as a PDF-attachment to info(at)

The application deadline is Friday, September 14th, 2018.

Any questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us at info(at)!

Please note: Conference language is English!


Neof. Vamva Str. 4
10674 Athen

+30 210 72 44 670
+30 210 72 44 676

