
"Too much, too fast"

Schellinger, Alexander

"Too much, too fast"

Was aus den Reformen in Griechenland gelernt werden kann
Berlin, 2015

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Golden dawn and its appeal to Greek youth

Sakellariou, Alexandros

Golden dawn and its appeal to Greek youth

Alexandros Sakellariou. - Athens : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2015. - 17 S. = 400 KB, PDF-File. - (Perspective
Athens, 2015

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Das Rätsel Tsipras

Katsioulis, Christos; Katsioulis, Nicole

Das Rätsel Tsipras

Griechenland nach dem Referendum
Berlin, 2015

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Die griechische Schuldendebatte und das Mantra von den "notwendigen Strukturreformen"

Heimberger, Philipp

Die griechische Schuldendebatte und das Mantra von den "notwendigen Strukturreformen"

Bonn, 2015

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Griechische Depression - wenn die Chefärzte versagen

Priewe, Jan; Stachelsky, Philipp

Griechische Depression - wenn die Chefärzte versagen

Bonn, 2015

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Politik für Europa und Thüringen - Griechenland

Politik für Europa und Thüringen - Griechenland

Schwerpunktheft mit einem Beitrag von Christos Katsioulis
Erfurt, 2015

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Greece and the Albanian-Greek relations in the Albanian printed media 2014

Lleshaj, Sashenka; Sulçebe, Dritan

Greece and the Albanian-Greek relations in the Albanian printed media 2014

Tirana, 2015

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Greece in December 2014: the song remains the same

Malkoutzis, Nick

Greece in December 2014: the song remains the same

Nick Malkoutzis. - Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Department of Western Europe/North America, 2014. - [4] S. = 80 KB, PDF-File. - (Perspective
, 2014

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From school to work - how are vocational education, training and employment related?

Georgiadis, Nikos

From school to work - how are vocational education, training and employment related?

Berlin, 2014

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Trying to unearth a recovery in Greece

Bastian, Jens

Trying to unearth a recovery in Greece

Jens Bastian. - Athens : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2014. - 22 S. = 420 KB, PDF-File. - (Study
Athens, 2014

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Ē katastasē ton neon stēn ellēnikē agora ergasias

Ioannidou, Alexandra

Ē katastasē ton neon stēn ellēnikē agora ergasias

ti tha symbei, ean de symbei kati?
Athens, 2014

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Greqia dhe marrëdhëniet Shqiptaro-Greke në memdian e shkruar shqiptare 2014

Lleshaj, Sashenka; Sulçebe, Dritan

Greqia dhe marrëdhëniet Shqiptaro-Greke në memdian e shkruar shqiptare 2014

Tirana, 2015

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