
28.01.2021 | Publication

Our latest publication analyses how the Greek economy has suffered due to COVID-19, describes the debate in the country about the way forward, and points out the issues adressed - and overlooked - by the Greek government in its RRF plan.

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27.11.2020 | Publication

Have a look at our latest publication on the perspectives of closer economic cooperation between Greece and North Macedonia after the Prespa Agreement.

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20.11.2020 | Bildung und Beschäftigung | Publication

Find here the latest publication of the FES “Education & Employment” Working Group of Experts.

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Thursday, 19.11.2020 - Live streaming via Facebook | Event

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Athens Office is inviting you on Thursday, November 19th at 6-8pm CET (Brussels Time – for Greek Time: +1 hour) to the online-event «EU trade in the time of COVID-19: Facing the challenges, seizing the opportunities».

We will discuss how the EU…

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Die Ambitionen der Türkei sind eine Bedrohung für Europa. Es ist nicht Berlins Aufgabe zu vermitteln, sondern die Grenzen der EU zu schützen.

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09.11.2020 | News

Ein Interview mit Dr. Cordula Dittmer und Daniel F. Lorenz, Katastrophenforschungsstelle (KFS) der Freien Universität Berlin.

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| News

Die bisherige europäische Migrationspolitik ist ein Armutszeugnis. Für Griechenland bietet der neue Migrationspakt ein wenig Hoffnung. (Foto: DPA/Picture Alliance)

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| Gegen Rechtsextremismus | News

Die Führung der griechischen Neonazipartei Chrysi Avgi ist schuldig gesprochen worden – Vasiliki Georgiadou über den Kampf gegen Rechtsextremismus. (Foto: DPA/Picture Alliance)

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Tuesday, 07.07.2020 - Live streaming via Youtube | Event

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Athens and the Institute of International Relations (I.I.R.) of Panteion University invite you to the online debate

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29.06.2020 | Event

The COVID-19 pandemic has a continuous impact on civil liberties and social rights, which is unfolding during the different phases of the pandemic and the enacted containment measures.

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Neof. Vamva Str. 4
10674 Athen

+30 210 72 44 670


