
New Publication: The Greek party landscape in 2023

Read now our new publication on the Greek political parties and their voters

In this publication, we aim to understand the configuration of a new, predominant party system and the significant shifts in voting behaviour in the context of the 2023 parliamentary elections in Greece, by delving into the supply and the demand for policies. By using post-stratified data collected via the voting advice application What2vote, we identify which were the salient issues setting the agenda of electoral competition, we shed light on the party positions and voter stances that drove electoral preferences and examine how these issues structure the new centripetal electoral competition in the two-dimensional space portraying economic and socio-cultural policies. We present the profile of parliamentary parties and voters competing for the 2023 parliamentary elections in Greece, as well as the levels of congruence between each of those parties and individuals expressing likelihood to vote for them.

Click here to download the publication!

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Οδός Νεοφύτου Βάμβα 4
10674 Αθήνα

+30 210 72 44 670

