Tuesday, 07.07.2020 - Live streaming via Youtube

Online Debate: Choosing sides? A new reality for the EU

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Athens and the Institute of International Relations (I.I.R.) of Panteion University invite you to the online debate

Choosing sides? A new reality for the EU

7 July 2020, 6.00-8.00pm EEST (Greek time)



  • Ulrich Storck, Director, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Athens
  • Harry Papasotiriou, President of the Governing Board, I.I.R.
  • Torrey Taussig, Research Director, Project on Europe and the Transatlantic Relationship, Harvard Kennedy School; Nonresident Fellow at the Brookings Institution, USA: The future of the Transatlantic relationship: friends or foes?
  • Anna Katharina Stahl, Policy Fellow for Foreign and Security Policy, Jacques Delors Centre, Berlin: China and Europe’s geostrategic identity
  • Constantinos Filis, Executive Director, I.I.R., Athens: Russia in a transforming world
  • Vassilis Ntousas, Academy Fellow, Chatham House, London: The quest for autonomous EU action in a (geo)political Bermuda triangle
  • Marilena Koppa, Associate Professor, Panteion University, Athens: New Opportunities for Europe’s Security and Defense Policy

Discussion - active participation of the audience

Moderator: Giorgos Skafidas, Journalist, Ethnos Newspaper

Τhere will be simultaneous English-Greek translation.

Please register through this link: http://e-talk.gr/choosing-sides-a-new-reality-for-the-eu/

Ίδρυμα Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Ελλάδα

Οδός Νεοφύτου Βάμβα 4
10674 Αθήνα

+30 210 72 44 670

