Ägäis: Griechisch-Türkische Streitigkeiten

ELIAMEP und das Athener Büro der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) wollen die Aufmerksamkeit der internationalen Öffentlichkeit, von Experten und Entscheidungsträgern auf die Komplexität und die regionalen Auswirkungen der griechisch-türkischen Streitigkeiten auf die Länder des östlichen Mittelmeerraums lenken. Außerdem: Welchen Einfluss haben Drittstaaten auf diese Auseinandersetzungen? Da das gesamte Projekt in englischer Sprache durchgeführt wurde, ist auch der Inhalt dieser Seite nur auf Englisch verfügbar.

Aegean: Greek-Turkish disputes

ELIAMEP and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Athens Office want to draw the attention of the international public, experts, and decision-makers towards the complexity and the regional impact of the Greek-Turkish disputes on the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean. Furthermore, how do third countries influence these disputes? Since the entire project was conducted in English, the content of this page is also available in English only.


03.11.2022 | Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik | Interviews

How is Libya’s civil war connected to the disputes between Greece and Turkey?

Is Libya a field where Greece’s and Turkey’s competing interests in the region, but also their different alliances are clearly manifested?

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30.03.2022 | Interviews

Germany’s stance on the Greek-Turkish dispute: A view from Berlin

Dr. Günter Seufert (CATS, SWP) on the stance of the new German Government at the Greek-Turkish disputes and Athens’ criticism against Berlin

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24.01.2022 | Interviews

The Greek – Turkish confrontation as viewed by the conflicting parties

What do two leading experts from Greece and Turkey have to say about the confrontation between their countries?

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18.11.2021 | Interviews

Israel: A regional power impacted by the Greek-Turkish disputes

In this video-interview from Israel with Dr. Nimrod Goren (President of Mitvim) we are dealing with the connection between the Israeli regional and...

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05.10.2021 | Interviews

The impact of the Cyprus issue on the Greek-Turkish disputes

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Athens Office and ELIAMEP want to draw the attention of the international public, experts and decision makers towards...

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24.03.2021 | Interviews

Germany’s stance on the Greece-Turkey dispute: A view from Athens

While Germany defines its role as a neutral mediator – the view from Athens is much different

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