
06.04.2021 | News

Watch our video to learn more about our new project

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24.03.2021 | Interviews

While Germany defines its role as a neutral mediator – the view from Athens is much different

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16.03.2021 | Publication

Die Publikation geht den Fragen nach, wie sehr die griechische Wirtschaft unter der Corona-Krise gelitten hat, welche Diskussionen im Land darüber geführt werden, wie es nach der Krise weitergehen soll, und welche Themen die Regierung in ihrem RRF-Plan aufgreift und welche…

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11.02.2021 | Publication

At the end of February 2020, the coronavirus crisis broke out at the same time as the crisis in Evros on the Turkish land border with Greece, where thousands of refugees and migrants tried to enter Greece and Europe, encouraged by the Turkish Government. In Greek political…

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28.01.2021 | Publication

Our latest publication analyses how the Greek economy has suffered due to COVID-19, describes the debate in the country about the way forward, and points out the issues adressed - and overlooked - by the Greek government in its RRF plan.

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Neof. Vamva Str. 4
10674 Athen

+30 210 72 44 670


