
13.12.2021 | Deutsch-Griechischer Dialog

Ein Kommentar zur Regierungsbildung in Deutschland und den Erwartungen Griechenlands, von Georgios Pappas (Deutschland-Korrespondent ERT/TA NEA)

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| Event

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Athens Office is inviting you on Wednesday, 15 December 2021, 7-9pm (CET: 6-8pm) to the online-event «Sexual harassment in local authorities and political parties. From recognition towards creating mechanisms to combat violence against women in…

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18.11.2021 | Interviews

In this video-interview from Israel with Dr. Nimrod Goren (President of Mitvim) we are dealing with the connection between the Israeli regional and foreign policy and the Greek-Turkish disputes. Can Israel become a mediator in the conflict between Greece and Turkey?

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Justin Nogarede, Digital Policy Analyst at the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), describes the changes and challenges of digitization at worksplace and what has to be done to increase workers' influence in the process of digital transition.

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Radio-Interview von Arne Schildberg über das Ergebnis der Wahlen zum Deutschen Bundestag am 26. September 2021.

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05.10.2021 | Interviews

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Athens Office and ELIAMEP want to draw the attention of the international public, experts and decision makers towards complexity and the regional impact of the Greek-Turkish disputes on the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean.

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You are a graduate student or a young professional? You are interested in fighting climate change? You are politically active or an active member of civil society?

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Wednesday, 16.06.2021 - Live streaming via Facebook & Website | Deutsch-Griechischer Dialog | Event

Für alle, die bei unserer Veranstaltung am 16.6.2021 nicht dabei sein konnten, ist hier das Video abrufbar!

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Thursday, 27.05.2021 - Live streaming via facebook | Event

Greece and Portugal have submitted their Recovery and Resilience Fund (RRF) plans to the EU Commission. For both countries, the implementation of these proposals and making maximum use of the funds available represent a unique opportunity to recover not only from the deep…

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27.04.2021 | Publication

What are the main characteristics of the Greek political system? How is the right-left ideological space defined in the Greek context? What are the dimensions that describe nowadays the political landscape of Greece?

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10674 Athen

+30 210 72 44 670


