
Griechenland : Gewerkschaftsmonitor

Griechenland : Gewerkschaftsmonitor

Berlin, 2023, 2021:

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Sozialökologische Transformation: Länderbericht Griechenland

Sozialökologische Transformation: Länderbericht Griechenland

Brussels, 2023

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Social-ecological transformation: Country report Greece

Social-ecological transformation: Country report Greece

Brussels, 2023

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The interplay between the green transition, geopolitics and energy security

Christidis, Yiorgos

The interplay between the green transition, geopolitics and energy security

The changing energy landscape in Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia
Athens, 2023

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Energy without Russia: Country report Greece

Nakou, Georgia

Energy without Russia: Country report Greece

The consequences of the Ukraine war and the EU sanctions on the energy sector in Europe
Budapest, 2023

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Ta "symboylia metschēmatismoy" stē Germania

Moch, Frederik

Ta "symboylia metschēmatismoy" stē Germania

Ena kainotómo ergaleío gia tēn koinoniko-oikologikē metabasē
Athens, 2023

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The green and digital future of work in Greece towards 2050

Tsekeris, Charalambos; Christofilopoulos, Epaminondas

The green and digital future of work in Greece towards 2050

Athens, 2023

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Albania - Greece: Opportunity to unleash positive energies

Bushati, Ditmir

Albania - Greece: Opportunity to unleash positive energies

Tirana, 2023

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Gewerkschaften und Rechtspopulismus in Europa

Bithymitris, Giorgos; Biskinis, Argyris

Gewerkschaften und Rechtspopulismus in Europa

Länderstudie Griechenland
Bonn, 2023

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Trade unions and right-wing populism in Europe

Bithymitris, Giorgos; Biskinis, Argyris

Trade unions and right-wing populism in Europe

Country study Greece
Bonn, 2023

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Can climate crisis lead to bridge-building across the Aegean?

Charalambides, Nikos; Sayan, Pınar

Can climate crisis lead to bridge-building across the Aegean?

Athens, 2023

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Shqipëri - Greqi: Mundësi për çlirim energjish pozitive

Bushati, Ditmir

Shqipëri - Greqi: Mundësi për çlirim energjish pozitive

Tirana, 2023

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