
The Greek crisis

Matsaganis, Manos

The Greek crisis

social impact and policy responses
Bonn, 2013

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Ten rays of light in the Greek crisis

Malkoutzis, Nick

Ten rays of light in the Greek crisis

Nick Malkoutzis. - Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Department of Western Europe/North America, 2013. - 15 S. = 270 KB, PDF-File. - (Study
Bonn, 2013

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Reformperspektiven der Berufsbildung in Griechenland

Ioannidou, Alexandra; Stavrou, Stavros

Reformperspektiven der Berufsbildung in Griechenland

Bonn, 2013

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E neolaia dichni ton dromo - pros ta pou omos

E neolaia dichni ton dromo - pros ta pou omos

neolaia kai Akra Dexia stin Ellada
Berlin, 2013

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Neue Koalition - alte Probleme

Katsioulis, Nicole; Katsioulis, Christos

Neue Koalition - alte Probleme

Griechenland nach der Regierungsumbildung
Berlin, 2013

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Die PASOK nach dem Parteitag 2013

Katsioulis, Christos

Die PASOK nach dem Parteitag 2013

Berlin, 2013

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Gender equality in the Greek labour market

Kambouri, Nelli

Gender equality in the Greek labour market

the gaps narrow, inequalities persist
Berlin, 2013

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Yunan sendikaları ve kriz

Lanara, Zoë

Yunan sendikaları ve kriz

baski altinda önemli bir aktör
Istanbul, 2016

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Kıbrıs deniz hidrokarbonları

Kıbrıs deniz hidrokarbonları

bölgesel siyaset ve servet dağilimin

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Cyprus offshore hydrocarbons

Cyprus offshore hydrocarbons

regional politics and wealth distribution

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Kypriakoi yperaktioi ydrogonanthrakes

Kypriakoi yperaktioi ydrogonanthrakes

periphereiake politike kai katanome tu plutu

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Ē poreía exodu apó tēn krísē

Gabriel, Sigmar; Steinmeier, Frank-Walter; Steinbrück, Peer

Ē poreía exodu apó tēn krísē

anáptyxē kai apaschólēsē stēn Európē
Berlin, 2012

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